. . 5 Tips to Increase Visitors to Your Site - Digital Pacific

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5 Tips to Increase Visitors to Your Site

While it is important and all but essential for businesses of different sizes, types and purposes to have websites, those that are serious about increasing traffic to their site and converting interest into sales and lucrative connections know that strategies must be used to increase the number of visitors to your site. No longer is it just enough to create a site and expect people to come, website owners must be active in attracting visitors to their sites.

There are many, many strategies for increasing traffic to your website. Although individual solutions often need to be tailored for individual websites, here we present you with five of the most useful ways to increase the number of people that visit your site (rather than the sites of your competitors!)

Tip #1: Invest in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Having your website rank not just fairly but extremely well in the results of keyword searches produced by different search engines is fundamental. Using the right keywords can ensure that your business is positioned front and centre of existing and potential customers’ attention and rank your business well above that of your competitors.

Why is this so critical? Some data shows that when users search via an internet search engine, 70% of these users will choose one of the first three listings produced if they are to click through to any website at all.

Keep in mind that it is not always most cost effective to pay for traffic per click. Rather, it can be far wiser to invest in strategies to obtain top rankings and thereby bring more traffic to your site with reduced ongoing financial commitment.

Tip #2:  Ensure that you have an effective website design and layout

There is so much to consider when creating a website. You need to ensure that you secure effective domain names, you need to consider the capacity of your host site and whether dedicated servers are necessary and ultimately, you need to sign off on a design, layout, look and feel for your website.

Never feel that you have to go overboard with design and layout. Ultimately, you want a design that is clean, clear, easily navigable and appealing. Be wary of using colours that are not complimentary or are visually offputting. You must also go to lengths to ensure that your website content is free of errors – few things repel visitors more quickly.

Tip #3:  Link to other sites and have them link to you

One of the very best ways to generate interest in and traffic to your website is to maintain mutually beneficial connections with people who have websites that compliment your own. For example, you may have a sporting goods store. It would be wise to ask sporting clubs to have their websites link to yours and in return, you could place a link to their site on your own.

Ultimately, links can lead to clicks onto your website and boost your search engine rankings.

Tip #4:  Blogging

With the popularity of blogs on the net, it is wise to capitalise on these opportunities for exposure. Perhaps you could start your own blog or ensure that one is available through your website.

Alternatively, it can be fruitful to write posts on the sites of others. You can almost always mention your website name and URL and thereby raise awareness of your website in places where your target audience is likely to visit.

Tip #5:  Offer useful content

This one may sound simplistic, but if you create and offer innovative, useful and interesting content on your site, it won’t take too long for the word to spread. People are always on the look out for relevant, dynamic, engaging and stimulating content and if you are able to provide it, then you are well on your way to enjoying an increase in visitors to your site.

All website owners should be aware that there are strategies that can be employed to drive traffic and targeted visitors to your site. While some do require financial investment, many strategies can be put in place with careful thought, planning and commitment.

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