. . Creative Ways to Choose a Domain Name - Digital Pacific

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Creative Ways to Choose a Domain Name

1.Use Keywords

When a good domain name is taken, such as one matching your business name, then using a combination of keywords is a good alternate route. Make a list of words and phrases that web users might be entering into search engines to find a site like yours, and then come up with a catchy combination that you can still register.

2.Use Hyphens

Break up words in your desired domain name with hyphens if the name is already taken.

3.Different Extension

The .com and .com.au extensions are going to naturally be the most popular and well-known extensions to Australians, so the chance of your name being gone is more likely on these extensions. If possible, try choosing another extension, such as .net and .net.au if the registration requirements can be met.

4.Drop Letters

Flickr made a bold move by dropping that last vowel, but it has been something both innovative and marketable on their behalf. However, marketable is the key word here. If you do decide to drop a letter, you will need to make sure this name is marketed quite well in order to make sure web users are accessing the right page.

5.Domain Hacking

Domain hacking has become quite popular these days with the rollout of numerous new domain extensions. The extension .me, for example, has led domain registrants to choose cute domains like love.me and contact.me. It is also possible to split a word up to include the extension like in revie.ws. As with dropping letters, these types of domains need to be marketed well in order to ensure the web user will understand where the extension is involved.


Acronyms are a great way to break down long names and phrases into a short and memorable domain name. Of recent popularity are the acronyms brought about by texting slang, such as omg.com (Oh My God) and idk.com (I Don’t Know).


Subdomains easily open up a number of witty domain name ideas. Subdomains go in front of the main domain name and can combine with the main domain to both categorise and create something catchy. A quick example could involve the main domain of for-you.com. If this website sells different products, there could be subdomains tossed in like flowers.for-you.com and chocolate.for-you.com.

8.Merge Words

Creating new words from merging two keywords or descriptive words is yet another creative option. Wordoid is a website that specially helps with this process. All you do is enter in a word that you would definitely like to have in your name, and then it “automagically” presents you with various ideas.

9.Prefixes and Suffixes

The iPhone has now caused a trend of applications that are named starting with the letter “i”, so it is always a possibility to follow suit and try adding a prefix of your own. Fun suffixes can also turn a normal and used up domain name into something new. Take the popular –ster ending that can take a normal domain from blog.com to blogster.com and so on.

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