. . Digital Pacific Goes Pink & Raises Over $500 for Breast Cancer Research - Digital Pacific

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Digital Pacific Goes Pink & Raises Over $500 for Breast Cancer Research

I have to say, with the Digital Pacific office being predominately male, I had some apprehensions about planning a pink themed day. But to my suprise the boys swallowed their pride, donned their pink attire (I think they secretly enjoyed it!) and got behind a fantastic cause. It’s possible that bribing them with cupcakes and biscuits persuaded them to go all out, but you can take our Facebook poll and vote for who pulled off Pink Ribbon Day with the most style.

Digital Pacific Goes Pink

This year alone around 12,000 Australian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Once a year the Cancer Council holds Pink Ribbon Day to raise awareness and funds for research, education and patient support programs. You have to agree that it’s a great cause to get behind and with a combination of donations from Digital Pacific, our customers and staff we managed to raise over $500!

Next Month it’s Pay Back Time

Since the boys were such good sports when it came to wearing pink for women’s health, I’ve decided to return the favour for the sake of men’s health this Movember.

If you didn’t already know, every November thousands of men in Australia grow a moustache to raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues; specifically prostate cancer and depression. This year, every Mo Brotha or Mo Sista who registers under our Movember network has the opportunity to get up to $100 credited to their account AND the person that raises the most money will win an iPad! See all the terms and conditions here.


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