. . Digital Pacific makes it into top 100,000 visited sites in the world - Digital Pacific

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Digital Pacific makes it into top 100,000 visited sites in the world

Recently we learned that Digital Pacific made it in to the top 100,000 most visited sites in the world, with our exact ranking being 95,620. Whilst this may number may seem high, it’s actually a quite considerable acviement considering there are 238,027,855 websites online worldwide as of June 2009. Our ranking in Australia is currently 1,148.

This ranking was measured via a service called ALEXA which was originally an abbreviation for Address Lookup EXperts Authority, a service which ranks sites based on tracking information provided via search engines and other proprietary tracking methods.

The ALEXA rank is a measure of websites popularity so the lower the ALEXA number is the higher your ALEXA rank is, yes it’s a little confusing. For example a site that would have a low ALEXA number but a high ALEXA rank would be Google with a traffic rank of one. Other leading sites such as Yahoo!, YouTube and Facebook are also in the top 10. The goal of many webmasters is to get this rank as high as possible by getting the lowest number as possible.

How did we get there?
We mainly got there by making our site compliant, some search engine optimisation, blog posts and lots of hard work in other areas. But we have always tried to stay true to our vision of providing information on what we do best, domain names and web hosting.

Why should you be in the top 100,000?
Being in the ALEXA top 100,000 category can reap great rewards to site owners in many different ways, one being advertising. Many online advertisers look to an ALEXA traffic rank for a site before they advertise on a website, since they only target high traffic sites. And if advertising is not the reason you want your site to be in there, it should be a personal goal you should set for your site to improve sales or visits. After you get in to the top 100,000 try for the top 50,000 and keep going.

If you are interested in learning more about your own ALEXA ranking and stats go to www.alexa.com

Let us know how your site is ranking by leaving a comment.

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