. . How to Write a Media Release for Your Business - Digital Pacific

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How to Write a Media Release for Your Business

A media release, also known as a press release, can be an invaluable tool for making an impact on your market. It not only provides readers with the details on who you are, but explains what you can do for them. With the potential to reach hundreds and even thousands of people depending on the media you have access to (papers, magazines, online, radio or television), the trusted media release aims to raise your business profile.

The basics of writing a media release comes back to the Who, What, Why, When and Where. By providing the information to these questions, you pretty much have the bulk of your release.

What you want to keep in mind however is finding a balance between detailing the benefits and features of your products and services without being too ‘salesy’. By pushing for the hard sell, you will find it difficult to get your media release published and read.

Some components and considerations of your content should include the following:

Release date

The first thing you should stipulate is the release date. Is there a firm day your information should be published or is it ready for immediate release?

Strong headline

Like most things, catch the reader’s attention with a grabbing header. They’ll want to know more.


Explain what the release is all about. Suggest what information will be received by reading the release.

Who, What, Why, When and Where

The 5 golden W’s. Here is the majority of your release. Cover these and you have 80-90% of the content.


Have some direct speech to personalise your release — bring it alive! For instance, club president, Fred Bloggs, explained that “Club facilities would be rebuilt for the start of the new season.”

You can also include a photo and caption of the image to add further interest and information. It is a good way of breaking up the text.

Contact details

Finish by including a contact name and number, email address and website. Not only may you need to answer questions from the journalist and/or editor that you submit the release to but the details may be intended for inclusion in the release itself. Readers of the media release are then able to get a hold of you via phone or email, and be able to visit your website.

Formatting and presentation

Once you have established your media release content, you need to ensure it is polished and formatted correctly, ready for presentation. Ensure that your media release:

* Is typed – Sounds obvious I know, but this needs to be emphasized!
* Contains a headline font size of 22-24
* Has a body font size of 16
* Includes page numbering
* Provides wide margins
* Displays double line spacing for ease of reading


Aim to get your media release into the hands of the person appropriate for your content. Avoid, if possible, sending it to generic ‘info’ email accounts unless specifically directed to do so. It is often best to invest a little time in establishing the correct recipient of the information and directly getting their permission beforehand – the last thing you want is your release being released to the bin.

By taking on these tools and strategies, you should be in a strong position to create an informative release for you own business. Address the above points and you’ll find your release taking shape before you know it.

Michael Soininen

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