. . Humans of Digital Pacific: Gaetano Edition - Digital Pacific

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Humans of Digital Pacific: Gaetano Edition

10676236_10153120362617922_8838889653514482696_nWhen I sent through the interview questions to Gaetano, I mentioned he only had to fill out a selection of the questions he liked the most. But of course, good guy Gaetano valiantly took up the charge and finished the whole thing! Get to know the most worried worrier of the office below:

What is your name?
Gaetano E.

What do you spend your time doing at Digital Pacific?
Most of the time… being worried! Haha, but no, really, I ask everyone in the office about 100 questions a day! It’s a full-time gig!

How long have you been with the Digital Pacific family?
I think it has been 7 months.

Who do you sit next to at work and what is a fact about them you think we should know?
Youi (Youssef). He’s probably one of the funniest guys in the office! Between calls I’m constantly laughing at his jokes.

What is something your colleagues might be surprised to learn about you?
I once ate a baby… no, not really. I have a few YouTube channels though. One has over 1.8 million views! Horrible content though, haha!

What is your best memory with Digital Pacific?
That moment when I realised everyone here was just as quirky as I was. It’s a good feeling!

How would you sum up Digital Pacific in three words?
Really. Awesome. People!

What was the most interesting job you had before Digital Pacific?
I was a Manager at Coles. I learnt a lot!

If you could trade lives with one living person for an entire day who would it be and why?
My Dad. Just to give him a day off. 🙂

Where is your favourite place in the entire world and why?
In the middle of the bush! You can’t beat being in nature.

Who are your favourite YouTubers/podcasters and why do you like them?
Oh man, the list is long! So many quality content creators out there! From Fooligan to Hickok 45. I have too many subscriptions to list! I’m also loving the tiny house movement stuff at the moment.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Digital Pacific?
The people! From clients to co-workers, everyone has been awesome! It’s like a big family.

Did you go through any unusual or funny ‘phases’ during your childhood/teenage years?
You name it, I probably did it, haha. I wore a bright red mohawk to my year 12 formal. Yolo!

What would you consider your best talent?
My ability to pet random cats regardless of where I am in the world… seriously.

If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?
Oh gosh there are so many, it’s hard to choose! Maybe the invention of the ARPANET considering it’s the father of the internet we know and love today!

What caused you to get interested in technology?
I have to tinker with things. From a young age I was pulling things apart to see how they worked. The troubleshooting stayed with me and translates well into tech as well as other things.

What is your favourite thing about where you sit in the office currently?
I get to say hi to everyone as they walk in! I also get to see the awesome Sydney sunsets behind the harbour bridge! (I know right!)

If you could only keep five possessions (not including essentials), what would they be?
Laptop, camera, phone, credit card annnnnnnd an up-sized zinger box, haha!

If you could only eat one food or dish for the rest of your life (and it would be nutritionally sufficient no matter what it was), what would it be?
Tortellini Boscaiola!

If you could invite any 3 living people to a dinner party, who would they be?
Trump, Obama and Tony Abbott. I’d just like to observe the insane awkwardness that goes down.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
The outdoors, camping, fishing, hiking, technology, gaming (cough… DOTA2), cars/bikes, photography/video and more!

What is your favourite Friday Team Lunch cuisine?
Woah, hard one. It’s a toss up between Lebanese and Thai.

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?
How to mingle! I’m pretty bad at small talk.

Do you watch/play any sports, and if so, who is your favourite sports-person?
DOTA2! It’s an E-Sport. My favourite player is Puppy from Team Secret!

How did your first week at Digital Pacific go and what were your first impressions?
Awesome! Everyone was just so happy to help. It’s a great feeling having a supportive team around you.

What are the most played songs on your media player?
Oh boy, anything by the Going Quantum Podcast or Bring Me The Horizon. Also the SpongeBob Krusty Krab Remix! (…What? Legit, it’s awesome!)

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