. . Movember 2010 Wrap Up - Digital Pacific

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Movember 2010 Wrap Up

Over the past four weeks, Digital Pacific has banded together for Movember, an international initiative to increase men’s health awareness. Along with 129,625 other Australians, 32 willing individuals registered for the cause, joining the Digital Pacific Network creatively named “The Hosters with the MOstest”.

Our group of modern (and now very masculine) men have conquered odd looks from strangers and grumpy “pash rashed” girlfriends to raise much-needed donations for the Movember Foundation and Beyond Blue. Between our 32 Mo Bros, we triumphed this year to successfully raise a total of $12,919. A massive thank you goes out to everyone who participated in the Digital Pacific network — this is a mighty fine effort for a mighty fine cause!

With that said, alongside the Movember Foundation, we at Digital Pacific wanted to reward our network members for all their hard work. So, to encourage everyone to raise as much money as they could, we announced that whoever could raise the most funds during the month of Movember would win a grand prize of a 3G iPad, plus 16GB Wi-Fi.

The competition was on for everyone from the very beginning amongst our 32 Mo Bros, but it was a race to the finish line for three of our participants: Shane Fulcher, Martin Askew and Matthew Griffin.

Movember Winner

In the last few days of Movember, the names on the leaderboard continually changed and we were all on the edge of our seats. All three boys did a fantastic job in collecting donations, however Shane scooped up the super cool iPad prize pack after raising $2,321 worth of donations. Matthew narrowly missed out with a total of $2,200 raised, and coming in third, Martin also did a tremendous job for ‘The Hosters with the MOstest’ network, pulling in another $2,111.

A big congratulations goes out to the three of you from the team here at Digital Pacific. Between Shane, Matthew, and Martin, the boys raised almost half of the network’s total donations – well done!

In total, Australia raised a whopping $18,533,550, and we were only beaten by Canada. With a fewer number of Mo Bros registering for the cause, they still managed to raise a fantastic $19,473,381. To see all the details, check out the global tally on Movember website.

As for our remaining Movember recruits, whoever raised more than $25 on their individual Movember profiles will not go away empty handed.

As a little thank you from us at Digital Pacific and “The Hosters with the MOstest” Movember Network, all Mo Bros who are current customers will now receive $25 credit towards their nominated Digital Pacific account. For those Mo Bros who are not current customers, but also raised more than $25 on their individual Movember profile, you can now choose between crediting a friend’s account (with a maximum of three referrals per account) or receiving an e-voucher of $25 for future use. These e-vouchers will be valid for 12 months.

With December now upon us, it’s time to say goodbye to moustache madness for another year — let the razors around the globe reunite. Once again, a big thank you goes out to everyone who supported Movember and participated in the Digital Pacific network this year. We look forward to doing it all again next year — bring on Movember 2011!

Movember Winner

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