. . Queensland Flood Relief - Digital Pacific - Digital Pacific

A Web.com Partner

Queensland Flood Relief – Digital Pacific

Digital Pacific is working with its customers to provide support to victims of the Queensland floods, initially by suspending all collections activity for affected areas. Please ignore all automated billing reminder notices, and rest assured your services will remain active in this time of need.

In the coming weeks/months: Each customers circumstance is different and as such we will be working with our customers individually to assess and support their needs. If you have been affected by the floods, we encourage you to contact us when you can so we can discuss relief options best suited to your circumstances.

Digital Pacific does not host any servers in Queensland however our transit providers have equipment there and there are reports of these providers being affected over the next 48 hours which may affect data transit in to parts of Queensland.

For more information and assistance, customers can phone us on 1300 694 678 or by email via our contact us page.

Our thoughts are with all people affected by the Queensland floods while they deal with this disaster.

If you would like to donate to the flood relief appeal you can do so via the Queensland Government website.

Digital Pacific Pty Ltd

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