. . Round the Office Roundup - Digital Pacific

A Web.com Partner

Round the Office Roundup

Welcome to our first Round the Office Roundup! This series will give you a sneak peek into the world of what’s going on at Digital Pacific.
Our solutions team grew last week with the addition of Tony. Tony has an extensive background in the web hosting industry and has spent the past week learning the ins and outs of our products before he jumps in and starts helping customers find the right solutions for their projects. This photo of David showing Tony the ropes was definitely not staged.

Over the lunch table one day, we discovered Tony is an absolute aficionado of the TV show ‘Silicon Valley’, so we’re pretty certain he’s going to fit right in around here.

Speaking of lunch, our weekly staff lunch last week was Lebanese food. Entertainment during our meal was, as always, provided by Tech Support (You’re a) Wizard (Harry) Timo, whom I hope to introduce to you in a little more detail next week.

Down the other end of the office, our System Administrators have been busy rolling out Litespeed across our fleet of shared and reseller hosting servers. Litespeed is a web server software that brings with it a bunch of performance and reliability upgrades. Our Tech Ops Manager Mastermind, Paul, reports that 99% of websites have received an improved response time of around at least 15%, while many have received significantly higher response time improvements of anywhere up to 1000%.

Here’s a pretty graph that summarises just how cool this change is:


In short, this is memory usage before and after the change to Litespeed. The drastic change towards the right hand side shows a significant drop in the memory being used on our servers after the cut-over to Litespeed occurred.

Let me also tell you a secret… all that extra memory that we’ve got on our hands now? It’s not going to be sitting around doing nothing. We’re going to very soon be able to give our shared/reseller hosting customers more memory than ever before, but more on this later!

That about does it for this weekly roundup! Wishing you all an excellent rest-of-the-week and as always, we’re just an email or a call away should you ever need a helping hand with your Digital Pacific services.

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