. . Round the Office Roundup - Digital Pacific

A Web.com Partner

Round the Office Roundup

It’s time again for another Round the Office Roundup! This series will give you a sneak peek into the world of what’s going on at Digital Pacific.

Before we begin – just a reminder to Instagram users to make sure to follow us @ digitalpacificwebhosting!

So, what’s been happening?

First up, our new Sydney Data Centre was recently marked as officially complete after receiving the very last finishing touches.

resized_0002_14700812_10154610124054591_6979581186615119794_oThe project began construction roughly around June 2015 and the completion of this milestone makes Digital Pacific the only hosting company in Australia to fully own and operate a data centre whilst offering 24/7/365 support. Based in Pyrmont, the APDC is the perfect location to establish your point of presence in Australia!

In keeping with the theme of innovation, our Sales & Tech Support teams recently suffered the sudden loss of their music system.

Thus, the Digital Pacific Advanced Music System 2.0 was born. It may not boast a particularly versatile collection of music, but it so far has proven to have a 100% reliability rate. Thanks to Tech Support Rep Timo for his steadfast ingenuity.

The office snack bar has recently been restocked, bringing with it a peaceful calm across the entire office. The severely dwindling number of empty calories on-hand was beginning to attract widespread outrage.

Thankfully, our snack fairy was able to get down to the store just in time, narrowly avresized_0003_backgroundoiding cannibalism becoming a less frowned-upon practice.

Speaking of food, last Friday’s team lunch was Oporto. Never before has the internal office messaging system been so inundated with the word ‘chilli’, but it was undeniably one of the most popular lunch choices we’ve ever had!

Before I wrap this up, just a final reminder that our Customer Service Survey is now open for entry!

The survey takes roughly 7 minutes to complete and your feedback puts you straight into the draw to win a brand new iPhone 7! Find out more here.

That’s it for this week’s roundup. Wishing you all a great week ahead!


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