. . Round the Office Roundup - Digital Pacific

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Round the Office Roundup

Welcome to another edition of our office roundup!

We have a problem.

A severe problem.

Thy name is doughnuts and life around the office has not quite been the same since this obsession burst forth, bringing with it a sugary hysteria. Every Friday, or sometimes Thursday if we can’t contain the urge anymore, the ‘doughnut run’ occurs and our Nutella levels are promptly restored. We’ll take absolutely any excuse to have them, such as last Friday’s St Patrick’s Day…

Pictured above: Paul, Tom, Chris, Jay and Sean.

If you missed it, we recently had two pint-sized, furry visitors from Sydney Dogs and Cats Home visit the office. They just so happened to be carrying go-pros on their backs to capture the fun.

We also recently wrote about why now is the time to make the jump to PHP 7+. With up to a 50% speed increase for your site, as well as a 50% memory usage reduction, there’s a lot of good reasons to upgrade. Aside from the instant performance boost, PHP 7+ boasts far more features which website developers can take advantage of, as well as improved security.

We’re also hard at work behind the scenes to bring domain privacy to you – and it’s nearly there! New domain registrations can already take advantage during the final step of the checkout process, however the ability to activate privacy for existing domains is still in the works – but we are expecting this to be completed very shortly. More on this soon!

Lastly, if you’ve ever wondered what difference it makes to host with an Australian hosting company versus a multinational hosting company, we recently posted an article covering all the benefits of keeping things closer to home. In short, there is certainly time and money to be saved by keeping your website on home turf.

That’s it for this edition! Stay tuned for further updates regarding the full release of WHOIS Privacy and much more very soon!

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