. . Round the Office Roundup - Digital Pacific

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Round the Office Roundup

It’s time again for another Round the Office Roundup! This series will give you a sneak peek into the world of what’s going on at Digital Pacific. So, what’s been happening?

We’ll very shortly be announcing the opening of our annual Customer Service Survey where all participants will go in the draw to win! For readers of our blog I’ll give a little hint of the prize… it is being released later this week and we’re going to film ourselves embarrassingly lining up for it. The things we do for Facebook entertainment…

The survey itself however is an invaluable chance for us to gauge how we’re doing. For all we know, our customers might really prefer if our tech support team answered the phone with a freestyle poem, or respond to email tickets in poorly-drawn comics. Whatever it may be, our annual survey is a great opportunity for you to tell us how you feel we’re doing, and for us to find ways to keep making our products and services better than ever.

mitchleeTwo strange men have been spotted around the office lately and for a while there everyone thought maybe they were lost and came to the wrong floor. But after some extensive research on Facebook we realised they were Mitch and Lee!

Just messing. The truth is we’ve all been rocking back and forth inconsolably over the past few weeks, awaiting their returns. SysAdmin Mitch has been on leave having just taken up the #DadLyf. He is currently accepting welcome back gifts of coffee and/or coffee and the office fish once again have somebody to stare at all day. Tech Support Team Leader Lee has been away after suffering a road accident and is back despite still hobbling around on one and a half legs. We’re starting to feel whole again around here! (Well, except for Lee, he’s got a ways to go yet.)

As for food (as how could an office roundup be complete without mentioning what we’ve been eating), last week, the troops dined on a metric-tonne of Turkish Pide, and the Friday prior was another round of burgers from one of our favourites – North Burger Sydney.

That’s it for this roundup – it’s a little shorter this time but stay tuned next week where we will be announcing how to win our Customer Service survey prize, who the best golfer in the office is, what our SysAdmin team has been up to lately and more!

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