. . Twitter Buzz - Digital Pacific

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Twitter Buzz

Finally, Digital Pacific has joined the ever-growing group of businesses taking advantage of Twitter.  To receive updates on latest DP news, products, and just plain bits of life from around the office, add @DigitalPacific to your friends list.

New to Twitter?

You’ve probably heard all about it from one person or another by now – a business partner, a friend, or maybe even your mum – and have finally decided to create your own user name.  Don’t just let it sit there.   Use those tweets (update messages) and your Twitter profile to your advantage.  Here’s a brief run-down of how to start using Twitter to help you build your web presence:

1)    Build an interesting profile. In the Twitter world, a profile can act like a business card, so make it interesting, valid and unique.  For starters, make sure the Bio section includes keywords that other Twitter users might search for in order to find people to follow.  Good keywords will increase your followers, and thus your connections in the web world.  In addition to the Bio, use the background image to your advantage by throwing in photos and text relevant to what you are marketing (yourself or a business).  If interested in learning more about this process, TwiTip offers a rundown with great examples in their article Make a Good Impression with a Custom Twitter Background.

2)    Build up a friend and followers list. So you have something to say, but no one to listen?  Search for friends that might be tweeting information of interest to you, and you will quickly find that they will often be interested in what you have to offer as well.  Just by friending people, the followers list will grow.  This, in conjuction with a great profile, will draw attention so when you do have something to say, people will hear.

3)    Tweet regularly. The more you tweet, the more people will pay attention to you.   But, it’s not just about tweeting, it’s also about the RT, the @, and the DM.  Twitter facilitates the passage of information and news in short, concise updates of 140 characters or less.  To help with this you can re-tweet (RT) what someone else has already said, respond to (@) specific tweets, and even inquire further with a direct message (DM) to another user.  Getting involved will only help to build your presence.

4)    Include a link to your Twitter updates on your website/blog. Let the world know that you are now a member of this new and interesting social networking tool by including a link on your website or blog.  For example, bloggers can add a widget, like this one by Alex King, that automatically pulls in your latest Twitter updates, sort of creating a mini-blog within the blog itself.  Website owners can simply add a link to their twitter profile.

Again, this is just a basic run-down of how to get started in the Twitter world, but as you can see it is definitely an easy process that can genuinely benefit someone wanting to build a web presence.   Don’t forget to add @DigitalPacific to your friends list, and we’ll make sure to return the favor.  We are very interested in seeing how our customers are making use of their web hosting and prospering on the web.

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